Saturday, 26 September 2020


A foolish king complained that the rough ground hurts his feet so he ordered the whole country to be carpeted.

The court jester laughed when the king told him about his order. "What an absolutely crazy idea, your majesty", he smiled, "why carpet the whole country? Just cut two pads and protect your feet". Problem is never a problem our reaction to the problem is the real problem.

This reminds me of a discussion that took place in a board meeting of a FMCG conglomerate. The sales of their toothpaste brand was steady and there was no growth, the market had reached a saturation point. The team was discussing ways to improve sales. All sorts of suggestions came such as free gifts, price reduction, increasing advertising spending etc etc. But none of these were convincing as the firm was already doing all of these promotional activities.

A junior in the marketing department came up with ideas. He suggested to start a campaign to make people believe that brushing teeth once a day is not enough, they need to brush twice a day to ensure good oral health. This would increase the tooth paste consumption and in turn sales of the firm.

The other suggestion was to increase the diameter of the toothpaste opening by 0.25mm, this would make sure that every time a consumer used the paste, the amount of paste consumed would be more, as more quantity of paste would come of bigger opening. The firm adopted these suggestions and within short time, the firm’s sales zoomed up.

The ethical dimension of the solutions are debatable. I am not discussing the ethical issues, what I am interested is the use of common sense to approach the issues.

Remember, common sense is the sixth sense. Solution to problems need not be complicated and may be available very easily, provided we use of this sixth sense. 

Never react in a haste to the problem, there is a solution to every problem.

Problem is never a problem our reaction to the problem is the real problem.

Dr. Sushant Joshi

Monday, 21 September 2020


A marketer was waiting for his flight at the airport. There came an announcement, "We are sorry your flight is delayed by 4 hrs. due to technical snag". "Fantastic", replied the marketer. Man sitting next to him asked him, "What is fantastic about it?" The marketer replied, "There is technical snag that means either there is something wrong with the plane or bad weather condition, I wouldn't like to fly in any of the conditions, would you like to do so?"

After few hours there was one more announcement of further delay of 2 hrs. To this the marketer said, "That's great, I will get more time to prepare for my presentation"

The co-passengers were now confused. One of them asked him, "Tell me seriously, are you not irritated by the delay?" He replied, "I am saying fantastic only to avoid getting irritated. What choice do I have? By saying fantastic, I am creating an energy field of what I want to feel"

This is called as
TRANSFORMATION VOCABULARY. Many a times, we just can't do anything but to accept the situation whether we like it or not. Instead of getting irritated and loosing cool, try to be positive.

I don't know whether it is possible every time but I do believe that it is necessary.

One of the ways to create positive energy is to have Unquestionable Faith in the God.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


It is great to see hundreds of enthusiastic creative youngsters trying to live their dream and start their own ventures. The start-up culture is picking up in India and has seen a reasonable success. Many like Paytm,Ola, Zomato, Cure-Fit, Bombay Shaving Company, Native Chef, etc have seen a reasonable success. At the same time there is long list of failures. I am not here to discourage the idea of start-up but based on my limited research and hands on experience working with few start-up firms, I wish to express a word of caution and talk about possible pitfalls leading to a failure of a great idea or potentially successful venture going nowhere.

The studies conducted by Forbes across the world and Institute of business value & Oxford Economics in India suggest that 90% of the start-ups fail within 5 years of its inception. They don't grow to make it big. There are many reasons for failures such as lack of unique idea, IPR issues, finance, marketing etc. I wish to talk about entrepreneurial ventures with initial phase of success but have failed to capitalize further and pitfalls leading to the limited success or failure.

I feel there are two major reasons.

  1. Failure of success
  2. Satisfactory under-performance.

Both these concepts were elaborated by Dr. Sumantra Ghoshal in his best seller, “Managing the Radical Change”.

Failure of success

We are aware of famous phrase, ‘Failure is the first step of success’ at the same time, the critical analysis of certain cases show that the success could also be a main reason for failure. Therefore, success could be a step to failure. Let us examine this phenomenon. 

It is important to note that, it is easy to handle failure. The Firms are aware of the reasons for failure and also know, what the key elements that lead to the failure. It is exactly opposite in case of success and it is difficult to handle.  Things seems to be under control and what I call it as "All is well" syndrome sets in. The firms’ tent enjoy the success and attention that they receive, which is natural at the same time we can't afford to ignore issues which need attention. Even if it is smaller problem, it need to be attended and resolved.

There is hierarchy of success leading to failure. Success may lead to Complacency, which is 1st stage. The firms start believing that that they are doing everything right. There could be a tendency of ignoring suggestions by mentors, critical views of well-wishers and denial of the possible problem area.

This is 2nd stage i.e. Denial. This would lead to escalation of problem and a smaller issue turns out to be major hurdle in the growth of the firms. At this stage there is propensity of finger pointing.

The 3rd stage is Finger Pointing. In this stage, the firms accept that there is a problem but believe that there is nothing wring within the firm and start blaming factors outside the firm for such problems. Which is perfect recipe for failure. Hence, success may lead to complacency that leads to denial, denial leads to finger pointing and ultimately ends up in failure. Let understand this phenomenon with a case. Nokia is a classic case of Failure of Success. Once an undisputed market leader had to sell their mobile hardware business to Microsoft. At the core of this failure was failure of success. The market leader Nokia continued to manufacturer the feature phones when the market was moving to smart phone business. Firms like Samsung, Sony had started adopting android platform whereas Nokia continued to use Symbian OS. For a very long they were in a denial mode which ultimately lead to failure.

I feel all start-ups must remember this pitfall and make sure that they don't fall into this trap. They must be alert about small issues faced by the firm and avoid living in the glory of success. Enjoy the success but don't get blinded by the success.


Satisfactory Under-performance

The second issue is Satisfactory Underperformance. Not many start-ups end up becoming as big as that of Paytm or Ola etc. If we analyse the reasons, we realize that most of the start-ups are happy with the small success and don't scale up to make it a big achievement. There could be many reasons but one issue that I wish to highlight is Satisfactory Under-performance. This is linked to the firm’s assessment of the Ecosystem, Peer Group & Competition. You must have heard the ancient phrase, कूपमंडूक - frog in the well, for the frog the well is the world. The same may happen to the start-ups. This happens because the assessment of success is relative.

The Firms’ judge thier success based on comparison with others whom they consider as their peer or competition. When the firm is doing better than peer competition, then the tendency of contentment may creep in and they are happy with limited success. This may results in slow down and firms limit their efforts to scale up and stop aiming at higher orbit. It kills the appetite for growth and ends up dwarfing the success. It is important to be vigilant about what business the firm is in and what is considered as competition. Identifying direct and indirect competition is imperative.

There are many firms which began its operations in late 60s almost at the same time as that of Reliance Industries but very few have seen success that Reliance Industry has achieved. The difference could be satisfactory underperformance. Many had the capacity and possibility of becoming big but they did not. It is matter of investigation and research. This hypothesis needs a testing.

It is important to keep these pit falls in mind so that the start-ups can avoid these traps by being cautious.

I wish all the youngsters and particularly the start-ups, the very best. May India become a start-up hub of the world. We have talent, capabilities and skills. It is the attitude that needs to be shaped.


Thank you.

Dr. Sushant Joshi

Monday, 14 September 2020


Understanding of the terms Core Competency, Competitive Advantage, Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and Unique Consumer Perception (UCP) and the relationship between them is very vital for the businesses to gain and sustain the competitive advantage

Core Competency

An area of specialized expertise that is the result of harmonizing complex streams of technology and work activity. These are skills, characteristics, resources and assets of the firm that set the firm apart from the competitors. These are unique strengths of the firm which are difficult for competitors to imitate. e.g. Innovation, R&D, Mass production usage of technology, reliable process.

The core competency of Reliance Group is building the record capacities in record time. Similarly, for Sony Corporation, their ability to miniaturize and for Wal-Mart, their supply chain are the respective core competencies.

The Firms must ask itself following questions to identify core competency

  1. How long could we dominate our business if we did not control this competency?
  2. What future opportunities would we lose without it?
  3. Does this provide access to multiple markets?
  4. Do customer benefits revolve around it? Is it considered of “Value” by the customers? 

If the answers for these questions are positive, in that case the firm can consider that attribute as core competency.

Core competencies are long term in nature but not permanent in nature.

Core competencies help firms to have competitive advantage over its competitors.

Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage is a position a firm occupies against its competitors. It is a unique advantage a firm has which provides a superior and favorable position over competitor. A firm possesses a sustainable competitive advantage when its value-creating processes and position have not been able to be duplicated or imitated by other firms. Basic Competitive Advantages are Cost Leadership, Product differentiation and Focus (Specialization).

Core competency creates competitive advantage for organizations. As mentioned earlier core competency of Reliance group (Capacity building) gives then cost leadership advantage to them. Similarly reliable process has given competitive (Product/service Differentiation) edge to the Mumbai Dabbawala’s over its competitors. Nike is a classic case of focus as competitive advantage.

It is essential to communicate competitive advantage to the target market in the form of Unique Selling Proposition (UPS) or unique selling point.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The proposition must be one that the competition either cannot, or does not offer. It must be unique either a uniqueness of the brand or a claim not otherwise made. e.g. Head and Shoulders – Dandruff remover, Volvo – safe drive, Armani’s – Status and design, Fedex – Overnight delivery of parcel.

USP is elaborate form of competitive advantage to create distinct image in the minds of the consumer (positioning) which is easy for consumers to understand. Strong USP would ensure brand recognition and brand recall.

USP creates Unique Consumer Perception (UCP) in the minds of consumers.

Unique Consumer Perception (UCP)

Our perception is an approximation of reality. It is based on stimuli to which we are exposed. Marketers try to create a positive perception about the brand or company through USP. Brand Awareness and Brand Recall is difficult to achieve unless the firms successfully create a distinct perception (UCP is created brand awareness and brand recall is not possible to achieve. In case of Mumbai Dabbawala’s UCP is reliable service.

Consumer expectations are based on unique perception about the brand or the company. After availing the service or buying the goods consumer compares the expectation with performance and that decides whether consumer is satisfied with the same.

Hence any flaw in the process of understanding core competency, creating competitive advantage, communicating USP and in turn creating UCP may lead to failure of the brand. 

Sunday, 13 September 2020


William Anderson, Director of Engineering at Forbes raises vital issue about employee loyalty. He raises two important questions

1. What is loyalty to the organization?
2. Why does the Loyalty Die?

In his thought provoking insight, he says, Loyalty is not about length of stay. Many employees
stick around even if they find workplace bad for them.

I think there could be two reasons
  • The Employees have no choice due to their lack of knowledge, skill, experience or attitudes.
  • It is believed that all workplaces are same, hence hang on instead of facing uncertainty believing the proverb - Known Devil is better than unknown Angel.

Then what is loyalty?
It is finding solutions at workplace and contribute for the growth of the organization even
in adverse conditions. Of Course without cursing & complaining about the organization, policies
and the boss.
It is the ability to focus on the responsibilities rather than finding excuse for non-performance.
Results may not be favourable but the sincere efforts matter in a long run.

The second issue is Why does the loyalty die?
The possible reasons are as follows
  • The firm don't live up to their promises to the employees and hence there is lack of trust. The Employees have feeling of being exploited.
  • The feeling among the employees that there is lack of support to them in difficult times, honest efforts are not being recognized and in many cases sycophancy thrives instead of performance.
  • There is a lack of integrity among the employees and focus on personal goals and achievements rather than organizational growth.
  • The feeling of unable to deliver or failing to make any change that ultimately leads to the frustration and outburst.

The solution may be found in works of a genius, Prof. Sumatra Ghoshal, he says the smell of the place must change for the purposeful actions to take place. He gives following matrix to change the smell of the place.

Existing Workplace v/s Context Desired Workplace Context
Contract (Existing)  -  Trust (Desired) 
Control (Existing) -  Support (Desired)
Compliance (Existing) - Discipline (Desired)
Constraint (Existing) -  Stretch (Desired)

Dr. Sushant T. Joshi


Whenever a sportsman looses a form, the coach has only one prescription - Go back to basics.

The same is applicable for Indian Economy after lockdown.
- Decolonization of India Minds & Lifestyle.
- Best of East & West meet in India. Choose the best & develop India centric solutions.
- Modernization without Westernization. One size doesn't fit all.

Dr. Sushant Joshi


A Sadhu met Ramakrishna & said, "After 12 years of Tapasya in Himalaya, I can walk over the water." He walked over the water of Holy Ganga,crossed the the river & came back. Ramkrishna had smile on his face. The sadhu got angry & asked the reason.

Ramkrishna answered, "You wasted your efforts. To cross the river you need only 2 annas for boat journey. Don't need 12 yrs of Tapasya."
Any effort without a purpose & meaning for self & others is unavailing.

Purposeful actions for Life with Purpose.

Dr. Sushant Joshi


Bruce H. Lipton’s ‘THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF’ mentions very interesting case of Death of trees by abuse.

In Solomon island the tribal don’t cut down a tree. They surround the tree and curse it for hours every day. Within a few weeks, the tree dries up and becomes dead.
On the contrary we are aware that, if we nurture a plant with love, it blossoms beautifully.
Same is the case with people.
Hence, next time you hurt, hate or do anything demoralising to anyone think thousand times. Instead, try loving, caring & helping them to blossom & not die.

Dr. Sushant Joshi


We, Hindus have many misconceptions and many a times we make a fun of our own Dharma. We are mocked by others who want to take a dig at us because we can’t offer logical explanation. This is an attempt to understand the reasoning behind 33 koti God concept. In, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद) Chapter 3, Mahashri Yajnavalya was asked this question and Mahashri Yajnavalya, explains this concept. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is a treatise on Ātman (Soul, Self).

How many Gods are there?

There is only One God.
It is nothing but the manifestation of the ONE God and Hindus call it Brahman or ParaBramha.

What does 33 Koti mean?
Koti mean classification, category or types. Hence, 33 Koti does not mean 330 million.
It means, 33 virtuous or 33 types.
The 33 are the principal manifestations, and all others are only their glories, radiances, manifestations, magnificence, forces, energies, or powers.

What are these thirty-three principal manifestations?
The thirty-three manifestations are
Eight Vasus + Eleven Rudras + Twelve Adityas + Indra + Prajapati (8+11+12+1+1) = 33

What are these Vasus, which are eight in number?
Fire, Earth, Air, The Atmosphere, The sun, The Moon, The Starts, and The heaven

Why do you call them Vasus?
They are abode of all that lives, moves or exists. Therefore, they are called Vasus. Remember the Vishwarup.

Who are the Rudras?
Rudra is Shiva, the consciousness. The ten senses and the mind make eleven. These are the Rudras.
10 senses (Indriyas’) include
Pancha (5) Jnanendriyas – Smell (Nose), See (Eyes), Taste (Tongue), Touch (Skin) and Hear (Ears)
Pancha (5) Karmendriyas – Movement (Feet), Dexterity (Hands), Speech (Mouth), Excretion (Rectum), and Reproduction (Genitals)
And the Mind

What are the twelve Adityas, the Suns?
They are twelve forces of the sun, which directly have impact on the vitality of people. Every Hindu month is associated with One Aditya. They are as follows
Dhata – Chitra , Aryama – Vaishakh, Mitra – Jeshth , Varuna – Ashadh, Indra – Shravan, 
Vivasvan – Bhadrapad , Tvashtha – Ashwin, Vishnu – Karthik, Amshuman – Margasirsh
Bhaga – Pushy, Pusha – Magh, Parjanja - Phalgun

Who is Indra?
Indra which is also known as the (all-pervading) electricity, which is the embodiment of energy.

Who is Prajapati?
Prajaapati, also called the “Yajna” which purifies everything. It is important to know that we, Hindus worship Agni, because of its characteristics of purifying everything it touches. All other of the Panch Mahabhootas’ get contaminated if mixed with anything impure. This is also the reason why saffron (colour of Agni) is sacred for Hinds.

33 divinities are mentioned in the Yajur-veda, Atharva-veda, Satapatha-brahmana, and in several other Vedic texts.
The God (The Parabramha) is manifested in 33 Devi/ Devata that create and sustain the universe.
एकम् सत् विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति

Complied & Edited
Dr. Sushant Joshi

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