Sunday, 13 September 2020


We, Hindus have many misconceptions and many a times we make a fun of our own Dharma. We are mocked by others who want to take a dig at us because we can’t offer logical explanation. This is an attempt to understand the reasoning behind 33 koti God concept. In, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद) Chapter 3, Mahashri Yajnavalya was asked this question and Mahashri Yajnavalya, explains this concept. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is a treatise on Ātman (Soul, Self).

How many Gods are there?

There is only One God.
It is nothing but the manifestation of the ONE God and Hindus call it Brahman or ParaBramha.

What does 33 Koti mean?
Koti mean classification, category or types. Hence, 33 Koti does not mean 330 million.
It means, 33 virtuous or 33 types.
The 33 are the principal manifestations, and all others are only their glories, radiances, manifestations, magnificence, forces, energies, or powers.

What are these thirty-three principal manifestations?
The thirty-three manifestations are
Eight Vasus + Eleven Rudras + Twelve Adityas + Indra + Prajapati (8+11+12+1+1) = 33

What are these Vasus, which are eight in number?
Fire, Earth, Air, The Atmosphere, The sun, The Moon, The Starts, and The heaven

Why do you call them Vasus?
They are abode of all that lives, moves or exists. Therefore, they are called Vasus. Remember the Vishwarup.

Who are the Rudras?
Rudra is Shiva, the consciousness. The ten senses and the mind make eleven. These are the Rudras.
10 senses (Indriyas’) include
Pancha (5) Jnanendriyas – Smell (Nose), See (Eyes), Taste (Tongue), Touch (Skin) and Hear (Ears)
Pancha (5) Karmendriyas – Movement (Feet), Dexterity (Hands), Speech (Mouth), Excretion (Rectum), and Reproduction (Genitals)
And the Mind

What are the twelve Adityas, the Suns?
They are twelve forces of the sun, which directly have impact on the vitality of people. Every Hindu month is associated with One Aditya. They are as follows
Dhata – Chitra , Aryama – Vaishakh, Mitra – Jeshth , Varuna – Ashadh, Indra – Shravan, 
Vivasvan – Bhadrapad , Tvashtha – Ashwin, Vishnu – Karthik, Amshuman – Margasirsh
Bhaga – Pushy, Pusha – Magh, Parjanja - Phalgun

Who is Indra?
Indra which is also known as the (all-pervading) electricity, which is the embodiment of energy.

Who is Prajapati?
Prajaapati, also called the “Yajna” which purifies everything. It is important to know that we, Hindus worship Agni, because of its characteristics of purifying everything it touches. All other of the Panch Mahabhootas’ get contaminated if mixed with anything impure. This is also the reason why saffron (colour of Agni) is sacred for Hinds.

33 divinities are mentioned in the Yajur-veda, Atharva-veda, Satapatha-brahmana, and in several other Vedic texts.
The God (The Parabramha) is manifested in 33 Devi/ Devata that create and sustain the universe.
एकम् सत् विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति

Complied & Edited
Dr. Sushant Joshi


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