Thursday, 1 October 2020

अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि।

A wealthy person sent an invitation of his birthday party to a new Zen teacher in his village. The teacher went to the party in a simple attire. The host didn't recognize him & chased him away.

The teacher went home & returned in his ceremonial suit. This time, he was welcomed by the host. The teacher removed the suit and put on the cushion and said, "You invited the suit and not me. A short while back you chased me out." And he left.

Judging a person only on external appearance or an action or words spoken is a mistake. Make an effort to discover the beautiful soul & intention behind every action or words.

Beauty & Wisdom are autonomous of external appearance. Khalil Gibran says, "Beauty is not in the face, Beauty is light in the heart." Similarly, Wisdom lies not in Seeing things but Seeing through things. 

It is essential to explore & experience the universal truth - अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि - Realize the divinity within & others.

Dr. Sushant T. Joshi


3 P's of Success

This is a story of Soichiro Honda, the founder of Honda motors. He was in high school when Japan faced worst depression in 1930s. While in s...